a.  Quality Assurance: EP 415-1-261, Volume 1
b.  JBLM operates under an Environmental Management System (EMS). All JBLM-related contract actions must conform to the JBLM Environmental Policy. Contractors should contact the JBLM EMS Coordinator (253-966-6470) for guidance.
c.  JBLM Hazardous Materials Restricted Use List (RUL) - Information Paper
d.  JBLM Hazardous Material Restricted Use List (RUL)
e.  HJB Form 223 (Hazardous Waste Customer Service Agreement)
f.  HJB Form 224 (Borrow Source Area Use Authorization)
g.  HJB Form 225 (JBLM Sustainable Acquisition Exception Form)
h.  HJB Form 226 (RUL Exemption Request)
i.  HJB Form 228 Spill Response Incident Report
j.  HJB Form 229 (C&D Diversion-Disposal Transaction Report)
k.  HJB Form 229 Instructions
l.  HJB Form 233 (Solid Waste/Recycling Customer Service Agreement)
m.  HJB Form 949-1 (Contractor Environmental Compliance Checklist)
n.  HJB Form 950-1 (Contractor Hazardous Waste Checklist)
o.  HJB Form 951-1 (Contractor Hazardous Materials Checklist)
p.  HJB Form 952-1 (Contractor Operational Area Checklist)
q.   HJB Form 953 Hazardous Material Inventory
r.  JBLM Installation Regulation 200-1
s.  JBLM Installation Regulation 420-5
t.  Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) , Section 6002
u.  Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002, Section 9002
v.  Federal Sustainable Acquisition Items/Requirements
w.   DoD Green Procurement Policy (Aug 27 2004)
x.  DoD Green Procurement Strategy (Nov 2008)
y.  Army Green Procurement Policy (Nov 22 2006)
z.  Federal Acquisition Regulation, Part 23
aa.  USDA BioPreferred Program
bb.  EPA Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines
cc.  FEMP
dd.  Energy Star
ee.  EPEAT
ff.  WaterSense
hh.  EPA Final Guidance on Environmentally Preferable Purchasing
ii.  UFC 1-200-2 (High Performance and Sustainable Buildings Requirements)
jj.  ASA IE&E Sustainable Design and Development Policy (Jan 17 2017)
kk.  CITES information
ll.  CITES timber species
mm.  Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)
nn.  10 CFR 436 Subpart A (Life Cycle Cost Analysis, Energy- and -Water Related Projects)
oo.  NIST 135 (Life Cycle Cost Analysis, Energy- and -Water Related Projects)
pp.  OMB Circular A-94 (Life Cycle Cost Analysis, Non-Energy and -Water Related Projects)
qq.  Tri-Services MOA (Life Cycle Cost Analysis, MILCON)
rr. JBLM Guide to Sust Acquisition for Construction
Changes or Criteria Notes to Unified Facilities Guide Specifications (UFGS)

Paragraph # and Title (if any) Note to Designer Change Text
  The UFGS deleted this section in 2015 and moved the language to 01 57 19. Only use this section for older contracts that already have it incorporated in their specifications. For all other contracts, to include new contracts, use 01 57 19 and 01 57 19.01 20. DPW ED only revises the old information in this section to be current (e.g., fixing broken links or updating email addresses).  Once legacy contracts containing this section are expired, this section will be deleted from the Design Standards.  
1.1 REFERENCES Only include for pest management work on McChord Field flight line: U.S. AIR FORCE (USAF)
AFMAN 32-1053 (2019) Pest Management Program
1.1 REFERENCES Create a heading for "Department of Defense (DOD)" and add: Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC) 1-200-2, High Performance and Sustainable Building Requirements
Memorandum, USD (AT&L), 27 August 2004 (Establishment of the DOD Green Procurement Program)
1.1 REFERENCES Under "U.S. Army (DA)" delete DA AR 200-5 and add the following: DA AR 200-1, "Environmental Protection and Enhancement"
DA AR 420-1, "Army Facilities Management"
DA Pam 710-7, "Hazardous Materials Management"
Memorandum, ASA (IE&E), 17 January 2017, subject: Sustainable Design and Development Policy Update
Memorandum, DA, 22 November 2006, subject: Establishment of the Army Green Procurement Program
1.1 REFERENCES Create a new section entitled "Local Regulations and Procedures" following the "U.S. Army (DA)" section and add the following: JBLM installation Regulations:
11-5, "Water Conservation"
200-1, "Environmental Protection and Enhancement"
200-2, "Sanitary Sewer Pretreatment Program"
200-3, "Stormwater Management Program"
420-5, "Procedures for the Protection of State and Federally Listed Species of Concern, and Designated Critical Habitat"
Memorandum, Joint Base Command, 23 June 2020, subject: Joint Base Lewis-McChord Environmental Policy (JBLM Policy Memorandum #9)
JBLM ODC Management Plan
JBLM Integrated Pest Management Plan
JBLM Integrated Contingency Plan
1.1 REFERENCES Add the following under "U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)" 40 CFR 82 Subpart F, Recycling and Emissions Reduction
40 CFR 247, Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines for Products Containing Recovered Materials
7 CFR 3201, Guidelines for Designating Biobased Products for Federal Procurement
1.1 REFERENCES Create a new section entitled "Additional Federal Requirements" following the  "U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)" section and add the following. Include bracketed text for appropriated funds contracts: Energy Policy Act of 2005
Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007
[Federal Acquisition Regulation]
1.2 DEFINITIONS Replace 1.2.1 and 1.2.2 with the following and renumber the remaining definitions accordingly.  Include the bracketed text if 01 33 29 is incorporated into the specs. 1.2.1   Sustainability
The practice of managing economic, community, and natural resources to support the present installation mission without compromising the ability to support future missions.  Sustainability is a guiding operational and development strategy for JBLM, which implements this strategy through its Installation Sustainability Program (ISP) and Environmental Management System (EMS). Contractors will support the installation's sustainability goals through conformity to the installation EMS and in coordination with the installation EMS Coordinator.
1.2.2   Environmental Management System
A set of processes and practices that enable an organization to reduce its environmental impacts and increase its operating efficiency. All organizations on the installation, including contractors, are required to participate in the installation's EMS program.  The nature of this participation will depend on the unit or organization's processes and potential impact on the environment and will include either a full EMS, interim Environmental Operating Permit (EOP), Permanent EOP, or a limited exclusion requiring support of the installation sustainability goals, IAW guidance from the installation EMS Coordinator.
1.2.3   Environmental Pollution and Damage
Environmental pollution and damage is the presence of chemical, physical, or biological elements or agents which adversely affect human health or welfare; unfavorably alter ecological balances of importance to human life; affect other species of importance to humankind; or degrade the environment aesthetically, culturally and/or historically.
1.2.4   Environmental Protection
Environmental protection is the prevention/control of pollution and habitat disruption that may occur to the environment during construction. The control of environmental pollution and damage requires consideration of land, water, and air; biological and cultural resources; and includes management of visual aesthetics; noise; solid, chemical, gaseous, and liquid waste; radiant energy and radioactive material as well as other pollutants.
1.2.5   Pollution Prevention
The use of processes, materials, or products that avoid, reduce, or control pollution, which may include recycling, treatment, process changes, control mechanisms, efficient use of resources, sustainable acquisition, and material substitution. Pollution prevention is a proactive environmental management approach addressing all types of waste as well as natural resource conservation. It is the Army's preferred approach, where timely and cost-effective, to achieve and maintain compliance with environmental laws and regulations.
1.2.6   Sustainable Acquisition
Also known as green procurement. A collection of environmentally preferable purchasing requirements incumbent upon Federal purchases and contracts. These include requirements to buy recycled content materials, biobased products, energy and water efficient products, non-ozone depleting substances, and other environmentally preferable items and services. More information is available from the installation Sustainable Acquisition Program Coordinator within Public Works (PW), Environmental Division (ED). [See also Section 01 33 29.]
1.2 DEFINITIONS In the definition for Installation Pest Management Coordinator, change "Installation Commander" to the following: Joint Base Commander
1.3 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Add these paragraphs: The Contractor shall be familiar with the JBLM installation environmental policy and shall ensure that all work on or for JBLM conforms to the goals therein. The installation policy can be found at Additional information on the installation EMS can be obtained by contacting the installation EMS Coordinator (253-966-6470).  
Contractor operations will comply with all applicable requirements in JBLM policies and regulations, to include Regulation 200-1, Environmental Protection and Enhancement.
SD-01 Preconstruction Submittals
Environmental Protection Plan
Add the following. Select PW ED for work on JBLM Lewis-Main, Lewis-North, or McChord Field (to include training areas) or supported external facilities. Select YTC ED for work on JBLM YTC: ; G, [PW ED][ and ][YTC ED]
SD-01 Preconstruction Submittals
Create a category for "Hazardous Materials" in SD-01 and add the following.  Select Pollution Prevention for work on JBLM Lewis-Main, Lewis-North, or McChord Field (to include training areas) or supported external facilities. Select YTC Environmental Compliance for work on YTC: ; G; [PW ED Pollution Prevention Program][ and ][YTC ED Environmental Compliance]
Contractor shall submit a list of hazardous materials to be used on the project (including Safety Data Sheets and unit(s) of measure for each product) as described in paragraph HAZARDOUS MATERIALS USE AND NOTIFICATION in this section. Contractor shall provide a minimum 2 weeks for ED review.
1.6 SUBMITTALS SD-01 Preconstruction Submittals [NOTE: Only make this addition if 01 33 29 (dated Feb 2015 or later) is not incorporated into the specs]
Create a category for "'S' Submittals" in SD-01 and add the following:
Sustainable Acquisition; G. For all proposed items, materials, and services applicable under paragraph SUSTAINABLE ACQUISITION in this section, collect all related "S" submittals identified in other sections and submit for government approval prior to commencing work. The government will review for legal and policy compliance.
Product Data
Add a SD-03 Product Data section. In this section, create a category for "Hazardous Materials" and add the following. Select Pollution Prevention for work on JBLM Lewis-Main, Lewis-North, or McChord Field (to include training areas) or supported external facilities. Select YTC Environmental Compliance for work on YTC: ; G; [PW ED Pollution Prevention Program][ and ][YTC ED Environmental Compliance] Contractor shall submit Safety Data Sheets for each additional hazardous material on an ongoing basis as described in paragraph HAZARDOUS MATERIALS USE AND NOTIFICATION in this section. For construction contracts, each general contractor and/or their subcontractor(s) shall submit hazardous material inventory totals at the conclusion of each job (and at the end of the calendar year, if it comes first), as described at paragraph HAZARDOUS MATERIALS USE AND NOTIFICATION in this section (or, for actions on JBLM YTC, as directed by YTC Environmental Compliance via the Contracting Officer's Representative (COR) or Project Manager). Service contractors shall supply these hazardous material inventory totals by the 15th day following each calendar year quarter.
SD-11 Closeout Submittals
[NOTE: Only make this addition if 01 33 29 (dated Feb 2015 or later) is not incorporated into the specs]
Create a category for "'S' Submittals" in SD-11 and add the following:
Sustainable Acquisition; G. For all items, materials, and services applicable under paragraph SUSTAINABLE ACQUISITION in this section that were used or supplied in the performance of the contract and paid for through contract funding, collect all related "S" submittals identified in other sections and submit for government approval prior to commencing work. The government will review for legal and policy compliance.
1.7 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION PLAN Add the following. Select PW ED for work on JBLM Lewis-Main, Lewis-North, or McChord Field (to include training areas) or supported external facilities. Select YTC ED for work on JBLM YTC: Submit an electronic copy (MS Word, pdf, etc) of the Environmental Protection Plan to [PW ED][ and ][JBLM YTC ED] via the Contracting Officer (KO) or COR. Provide a minimum 2 weeks for ED review.
1.7.2   Contents Add the following as items required in the plan: The names(s) and qualifications of Environmental (Compliance) Officer(s), Hazardous Material Technician(s), and Hazardous Waste Technician(s) required per JBLM installation Regulation 200-1.
1.7.2   Contents Change item b. to the following: b. Name(s) and qualifications of person(s) responsible for preparing manifests for hazardous waste to be removed from the site, if applicable. Note that all hazardous waste manifests pertaining to JBLM Lewis-Main, Lewis-North, or McChord Field (to include training areas) shall be reviewed and signed by authorized PW, Environmental Operations personnel (Bldg 9679). All hazardous waste manifests pertaining to JBLM YTC shall be reviewed and signed by authorized YTC One Stop Yard personnel.
1.7.2   Contents In the bracketed area of the first paragraph in the Spill Control Plan section, enter the following: and the JBLM Integrated Contingency Plan.
1.7.2   Contents Change the first paragraph under the Spill Control Plan paragraph to the following.  Select the first bracketed text for work on JBLM Lewis-Main, Lewis-North, or McChord Field (to include training areas) or supported external facilities. Select the second bracketed text for work on JBLM YTC.: 1) That individuals witness to a hazardous spill [on JBLM will immediately [call 911 and then ]notify the KO or COR][ and ][on JBLM YTC will immediately call 509-225-8100 (Range Division) to report downrange spills or 509-577-3911 (Police Department) to report cantonment area spills]. Include in the plan a list of the required reporting channels and telephone numbers to be used by contractor and subcontractor personnel in the event of a spill. Note that the installation Environmental Division, not the contractor, will contact Federal, State, and local reporting channels if a reportable quantity is released to the environment on JBLM. 
1.7.2 Contents Add the following to the end of the Historical, Archaeological, Cultural Resources, Biological Resources and Wetlands Plan paragraph: , including specific procedures used to ensure compliance with the inadvertent discovery regulations applicable to the National Historic Preservation Act (36 CFR 800.13) and the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (43 CFR 10.4).  Also include a Yes/No checkbox indicating whether trees will be cut/removed as part of the contract/project.
1.7.2 Contents Complete the following actions in the bracketed area of the Pesticide Management Plan paragraph: Select "DA AR 200-1 Chapter 5--Pest Management, Section 5-4 "Program requirements""
Immediately after above selection, add ", installation Regulation 200-1, and the JBLM Integrated Pest Management Plan."
1.7.2 Contents Add the following as items required in the plan: A sustainable acquisition management plan that identifies methods and procedures the Contractor will use to ensure compliance with Federal and installation sustainable acquisition requirements.  This plan should list personnel who will be responsible for ensuring compliance and their contact information. The plan will list designated sustainable acquisition product categories applicable to the project (  The plan will detail the Contractor's actions to research, provide, and report compliant products; claim and report authorized exceptions as allowed under the law and installation policy, using HJB Form 225; and ensure compliance among subcontractors.
An Environmental Management System (EMS) plan. This plan will be written after initial consultation with the installation EMS Coordinator and detail methods and procedures the Contractor will use to ensure conformance to the installation's environmental policy, sustainability goals, and EMS requirements. The plan will list the significant environmental impacts associated with the project, describe the Contractor's methods and procedures for identifying and accessing all applicable environmental regulations, and describe the Contractor's internal inspection, monitoring, and corrective action procedures to ensure compliance. The Environmental Protection Plan itself can serve as the EMS plan if these elements are included in the EPP after coordination with the JBLM EMS Coordinator.
1.7.3 Appendix Replace text with the following: Attach to the Environmental Protection Plan, as an appendix, copies of all environmental permits, permit application packages, approvals to construct, proposed hazardous materials (with Safety Data Sheets) and relevant notifications, certifications, and reports.
1.11 Notification Replace text with the following. Select JBLM for work on JBLM Lewis-Main, Lewis-North, or McChord Field (to include training areas). Select JBLM YTC for work on YTC: The KO or COR will notify the Contractor in writing of any observed noncompliance with Federal, State or local environmental laws or regulations, permits, and other elements of the Contractor's Environmental Protection Plan. After receipt of such notice, the Contractor will inform the KO or COR of the proposed corrective action and take such action when approved by the KO and [JBLM][ and ][JBLM YTC] PW ED. The KO may issue an order stopping all or part of the work until satisfactory corrective action has been taken. No time extensions will be granted or equitable adjustments allowed for any such suspensions. This is in addition to any other actions the KO may take under the contract, or in accordance with the Federal Acquisition Regulation or Federal Law.
1.13 Environmental Awareness Training Add this section and include the following: For work on JBLM, an environmental awareness training resource is available at .
1.14 Environmental Division Points of Contact Add this section and include the following: For subject area points of contact within JBLM PW ED, see For JBLM YTC, consult
1.15 SUSTAINABLE ACQUISITION [NOTE: only include 1.15 and its subparagraphs if 01 33 29 (dated Feb 2015 or later) is not incorporated into the specs. Include bracketed text only for appropriated funds contracts.]
Create this section and add the following:
The paragraph addresses sustainable acquisition requirements deriving from various federal laws and Executive Orders, as implemented via DoD and Service policies.  These include the requirements of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 as amended (40 CFR 247), the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act (FSRIA) of 2002 as amended (7 USC 3201), the Energy Policy Act of 2005, the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, and Executive Order 13834. [See also Parts 23 and 52.223 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation.]
Within DoD and the Department of the Army, these requirements are incorporated in various green procurement and sustainable design and development policies as well as UFC 1-200-02. For more specific citations, consult paragraph REFERENCES in this section or contact the JBLM Sustainable Acquisition Program at
1.15.1 Recovered/Recycled/Biobased Materials Create this section and add the following: This paragraph addresses the RCRA and FSRIA requirement to ensure designated items to be used or supplied in the performance of work under this contract contain at least the minimum designated percentage of recycled or biobased content, respectively. Applicable Programs Create this section and add the following: The recycled content requirements under RCRA are managed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Through their Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines (CPG) and associated Recovered Material Advisory Notices (RMAN), the EPA designates which product categories must meet recycled content requirements as well as a minimum percentage of total recycled and/or post-consumer recycled content for each category. The biobased requirements under FSRIA are managed in much the same manner, except that the program is run by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) via the BioPreferred Program. USDA establishes the product categories and minimum percentage of biobased (i.e., plant- or animal-based) content. Consult the following for specific requirements and more information:
In addition, all federal sustainable acquisition law requirements can be found at Government Policy Create this section and add the following: Government procurement policy is to acquire, in a cost effective manner, items containing the highest percentage of recycled/recovered and biobased materials practicable without adversely affecting performance requirements or exposing individuals to undue hazards from the recovered materials. This procurement must also adhere to EPA guidance for environmentally preferable purchasing. EPA and USDA have designated certain items which must contain a specified minimum percentage of recycled/recovered or biobased materials. Federally Designated Items Incorporated in the Work Create this section and add the following: Various sections of the specifications contain requirements for materials that have been designated by EPA and USDA as being products which are or can be made with recycled, recovered, or biobased materials. These items, when incorporated into the work under this contract, shall contain at least the minimum percentage of recycled or recovered materials or biobased content designated by EPA and USDA, respectively, unless adequate and legally valid justification for non-use is provided. When a designated item is specified as an option to a non-designated item, the designated item requirements apply only if the designated item is used/supplied in performance of the work.
Provide the following documentation for designated items, per paragraph SUBMITTALS in this section:
Proof that items comply with applicable RCRA/FSRIA minimum content requirements. Alternately, if claiming one of the exception criteria allowed under RCRA or FSRIA, submit written justification for exception per paragraph EXCEPTIONS in this section. Federally Proposed Items Incorporated in the Work Create this section and add the following: Products other than those designated by EPA and USDA are periodically considered for future CPG and BioPreferred designations. It is recommended that these items, when incorporated in the work under this contract, contain the highest practicable percentage of recycled, recovered, or biobased materials, provided specified requirements are also met and materials are consistent with EPA guidance for environmentally preferable purchasing. Proposed items can be found at the CPG and BioPreferred program websites noted at paragraph APPLICABLE PROGRAMS in this section. Rapidly Renewable Materials Create this section and add the following. Include the bracketed text if wood products will or may be supplied.: In addition to designated biobased items, give preference where feasible to rapidly renewable materials when they satisfy the environmentally preferable purchasing requirements per EPA guidance. [See also paragraph SUSTAINBLY CERTIFIED WOOD in this section.] 
1.15.2 Energy Efficient Products Create this section and add the following: Provide only energy-related equipment that is Energy Star labeled, or meets the Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) recommended efficiency. Where Energy Star or FEMP recommendations have not been established, provide equipment with efficiency in the top 25 percent for the type of equipment procured. Provide only equipment that meets FEMP requirements for low standby power consumption, where applicable.  Energy efficient equipment can be found at:
Provide the following documentation for designated items, per paragraph SUBMITTALS in this section:
Proof that products are energy efficient and comply with the cited requirements. Energy Star eligible items must be Energy Star labeled under the most current version of the Energy Star Standard. Alternately, if claiming one of the exception criteria allowed under the Energy Policy Act of 2005, submit written justification for exception per paragraph EXCEPTIONS in this section.
1.15.3 Reduce Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) (Low Emitting Materials) Create this section and add the following: Provide interior materials and products with low pollutant emissions, including composite wood products, adhesives, sealants, interior paints and finishes, flooring systems, ceiling systems, wall systems, and furnishings. Do so by supplying materials meeting the requirements of ASHRAE 189.1-2014 Sections 8.4.2 or Section 8.5.2
For items addressed at ASHRAE 189.1-2014 Section 8.4.2 and used within the building weatherproofing,  provide the following documentation, per paragraph SUBMITTALS in this section:
Certifications, labels, or other proof that materials meet low VOC requirements.
1.15.4 Ozone Depleting Substances and Refrigerants with High Global Warming Potentials Create this section and add the following: Eliminate the use of ozone depleting substances (ODS) and refrigerants with high Global Warming Potentials (GWPs) during and after construction where alternative environmentally preferable products are available and approved as substitutes by the EPA Significant New Alternatives Policy (SNAP) Program. Any acquisition of class I ODS requires Army Acquisition Executive approval, coordinated with the JBLM DPW ED Air Program.
Provide the following documentation as a pre-construction submittal for proposed products:
a. Safety Data Sheets for all refrigerants and chemical fire suppressants to be provided. Obtain hazardous material authorization and submit SDS in accordance with paragraph HAZARDOUS MATERIALS USE AND NOTIFICATION in this section. Note that all ODS are restricted on JBLM and require written authorization from the JBLM DPW ED Pollution Prevention Program ( prior to use or storage on the installation.
b. Proof that products to be supplied are approved alternatives under EPA SNAP,  
1.15.5 Water Efficient Products and Services Create this section and add the following: Provide only water-consuming products and services that are EPA WaterSense labeled or, in the case of water fixtures, the most efficient fixtures available that meet the requirements of ASHRAE 189.1-2014 Section 6.3.2, when EPA WaterSense products are not available. WaterSense labeled products and services can be found at
For items and services eligible for EPA WaterSense labeling, provide the following documentation, per paragraph SUBMITTALS in this section:
Proof that items or training certification are labeled EPA WaterSense; for all other fixtures, proof they comply with the cited efficiency requirements.  Alternately, see paragraph EXCEPTIONS in this section for available exception procedures.
1.15.6 Sustainably Certified Wood Create this section and add the following: All wood products shall conform to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). When CITES listed species are supplied, provide documentation demonstrating CITES-compliance.
In addition, materials shall be Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)-certified whenever practicable based on availability and cost. If a sufficient supply of FSC-certified materials are not available, supply Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI)-certified or other sustainably certified materials. For more information, consult the following:
For FSC- or SFI-certifiable materials, submit the following documentation:
Proof of FSC or SFI certification. Alternately, see paragraph EXCEPTIONS in this section for available exception procedures.
1.15.7 Green Electronics Create this section and add the following: Electronic product categories covered by the Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT) shall be EPEAT certified. First preference must be given to products that are certified at Silver or higher. For electronics not designated under EPEAT, supply environmentally preferable options where feasible. 
For EPEAT-designated items, submit the following:
Proof of current EPEAT certification and the level of certification (Gold, Silver, or Bronze). Alternately, see paragraph EXCEPTIONS in this section for available exception procedures.
Additional information and a list of compliant products is available at and
1.15.8 Third-Party Ecolabels Create this section and add the following: Third-party ecolabels are required for product classes with EPA-recommended ecolabels. For more information, see and  There is also a broader requirement for environmentally preferable purchasing at Part 23.7 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation. See associated guidance at
Provide the following documentation:
Proof that any product falling under an EPA-recommended ecolabel is currently certified under one of the EPA-recommended ecolabels. Alternately, see paragraph EXCEPTIONs in this section for available exception procedures.
1.15.9 Toxics/Hazards Minimization Create this section and add the following: In accordance with Army Regulation 200-1, provide products and materials with no, or lower, hazards and toxicity whenever feasible. 
For construction materials, this can include products free of various red listed chemicals.  See, for example, and
1.15.10 Exceptions Create this section and add the following: Several federal sustainable acquisition laws allow for exceptions in certain cases. Namely, if sufficient market research has determined that no available compliant product/material option will meet contract cost or performance requirements. In such cases, document justification on HJB Form 225 ( and submit electronically to the contracting official per the form instructions.  Note that the cost exception for energy- and water-related products must be based on life cycle cost considerations per 10 CFR 436 Subpart A.
PART 2 PRODUCTS Add the following. Select Pollution Prevention for work on JBLM Lewis-Main, Lewis-North, and McChord Field (to include training areas) and supported external facilities.  Select YTC Environmental Compliance for work on JBLM YTC: All products provided by the Contractor will comply with Federal and installation sustainable acquisition requirements. In addition to meeting the specifics of the Federal sustainable acquisition programs, the Contractor will provide the installation with environmentally preferable products to the maximum extent practicable.  EPA guidance for such purchasing can be found at and  See also for information regarding the Federal programs. Questions may be directed to the installation Sustainable Acquisition Program Coordinator (
All hazardous materials must be authorized by the applicable ED prior to use or storage on JBLM. Authorization will be granted by [JBLM ED Pollution Prevention Program][ and ][YTC ED Environmental Compliance]. See paragraph HAZARDOUS MATERIALS USE AND NOTIFICATION in this section for more information.
Note that both the main JBLM installation (JBLM Lewis-Main, Lewis-North, and McChord Field) and the JBLM YTC sub-installation maintain a Restricted Use List (RUL) of chemicals. See paragraph RESTRICTED USE MATERIALS in this section for more information.
Product provision, use, transport, and storage will comply with all Federal, State, and local laws and all applicable requirements in installation Regulation 200-1.
Per Federal law and Army policy, use of hazardous and toxic materials shall be minimized to the maximum extent practicable. Contractors that use or store such materials on JBLM shall have an active program in place to address and minimize hazardous and toxic product use/storage.
3.2.2 Landscape Add the following: Any landscaping/planting should ensure that planned species are permitted/acceptable for planting on Joint Base Lewis-McChord. As a priority, native species should be used.
Generally, any landscaping should be done between approximately mid-October to mid- March for optimum planting survival, unless irrigation is available.
Refer to applicable federal guidance for sustainable landscaping ( and adopt sustainable practices to the maximum extent feasible under the contract terms, in coordination with the COR or Project Manager.
See also paragraph BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES in this section.
3.2.3 Erosion and Sediment Controls Delete current paragraph and replace with the following. Select bracketed text for the stormwater manual for western Washington for work on JBLM Lewis-Main, Lewis-North, or McChord Field (to include training areas). Select bracketed text for the stormwater manual for eastern Washington for work at JBLM YTC: The Contractor shall be responsible for providing erosion and sediment control measures in accordance with Federal, State, and local laws and regulations. The erosion and sediment controls selected and maintained by the Contractor shall be such that water quality standards are not violated as a result of construction activities.
The area of bare soil exposed at any one time by construction operations should be kept to a minimum. Construct or install temporary and permanent erosion and sediment control best management practices (BMPs) as specified in Section 01 57 23 TEMPORARY STORM WATER POLLUTION CONTROL. BMPs may include, but not be limited to, vegetation cover, stream bank stabilization, slope stabilization, silt fences, construction of terraces, interceptor channels, sediment traps, inlet and outfall protection, diversion channels, and sedimentation basins.  
The Contractor's best management practices must be in accordance with the Environmental Protection Agency's National Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System (NPDES) Construction General Permit, if applicable, and the [Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington (for actions on JBLM Lewis-Main, Lewis-North, or McChord Field)][ and ][Stormwater Management Manual for Eastern Washington (for actions on JBLM YTC)] . Remove any temporary measures after the area has been stabilized. 
Applicable permits and Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan must be submitted to the applicable JBLM Environmental Division. See 01 57 23 TEMPORARY STORM WATER POLLUTION CONTROL for more information.
3.3.3 Wetlands NOTE: Use of the bracketed clause (allowing wetlands activity) requires prior coordination and approval by JBLM DPW Environmental Division (Fish and Wildlife Program and Water Program) for work on JBLM Lewis-Main, Lewis-North, or McChord Field (to include training areas); or YTC Environmental Division for work on YTC.  
3.3.3 Wetlands Add the following. Select bracketed text for DPW ED Fish and Wildlife for work on JBLM Lewis-Main, Lewis-North, or McChord Field (to include training areas). Select bracketed text for YTC ED for work on JBLM YTC: No work will be initiated in or adjacent to any water bodies (wetlands, rivers, creeks, etc.) or within the 50-meter buffer from these water bodies without previously coordinating with [DPW, Environmental Division, Fish and Wildlife Program staff (for wetlands on JBLM Lewis-Main, Lewis-North, or McChord Field)][ or ][YTC Environmental Division (for wetlands on JBLM YTC)].
3.4   AIR RESOURCES Change sentence as follows to include local laws: Equipment operation, activities, or processes performed by the Contractor shall be in accordance with all Federal, State, and local air emission and performance laws and standards.
3.4.4   Burning Make the following selection: Burning is prohibited on the Government premises.
3.4.5 Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) Add this section and include the following. Include the bracketed text for work on JBLM YTC: Contractors servicing ODS-containing equipment shall manage ODS according to Federal law and contract provisions. DoD ODS Reserve-eligible materials (CFCs 11, 12, 114, 500, 502; Halons 1202, 1211, 1301, 2402; and HCFC-22 in a relatively pure state) shall be recovered without excess contamination and turned in to the Government in accordance with Army and DoD policy. [Contact the Environmental Compliance Specialist (509)-577-3546 to coordinate proper turn-in of virgin and Reserve-eligible ODS refrigerants on JBLM YTC.]
All Contractor refrigerant operations will comply with 40 CFR 82 Subpart F.
3.4.6 Dust Control Add this section and include the following. Include the bracketed text for work at JBLM YTC: All actions shall comply with regulatory requirements for dust control notification, planning, and management. [For actions at JBLM YTC that could generate fugitive dust emissions (e.g., building construction, repair, or demolition; road construction or maintenance; site preparation; or landscaping), the Contractor shall coordinate with the Yakima Regional Clean Air Agency (YRCAA; 509-834-2050) for work in Yakima County, or the Washington State Department of Ecology Central Regional Office (509-575-2490) for work in Kittitas County, in order to determine and meet any notification/ dust control plan requirements. YTC Environmental Compliance (509-577-3424) must receive a copy of the approved dust control plan prior to commencement of work.]
3.6 CHEMICAL MATERIALS MANAGEMENT AND WASTE DISPOSAL Add the following: Management of chemical materials and waste disposal shall conform to all applicable requirements in installation Regulation 200-1.
3.6.3 Contractor Generated Hazardous Wastes/Excess Hazardous Materials Change to the following. Include bracketed 911 language for work on JBLM Lewis-Main, Lewis-North, or McChord Field (to include training areas). Include bracketed YTC language for work on YTC: Hazardous wastes are defined in 40 CFR 261 and applicable State and local regulations.  Hazardous materials are defined in 49 CFR 171 - 178 and Appendix E, Tab 1 of JBLM installation Regulation 200-1. At a minimum, manage and store hazardous waste in compliance with Washington Administrative Code (WAC) 173-303, 40 CFR 262, and installation Regulation 200-1. Take sufficient measures to prevent spillage of hazardous and toxic materials during dispensing. Segregate hazardous waste from other materials and wastes, protect it from the weather by placing it in a safe covered location, and take precautionary measures such as berming or other appropriate measures against accidental spillage. Storing, describing, packaging, labeling, marking, and placarding of hazardous waste and hazardous material in accordance with 49 CFR 171 - 178, State, and local laws and regulations is the Contractor's responsibility. 
Transport Contractor-generated hazardous waste off JBLM Government property within 60 days in accordance with the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Transportation laws and regulations. See paragraphs TRANSPORATION OF HM AND HW and TRANSPORTATION AND DISPOSAL in this section for additional transport requirements. 
Dispose of hazardous waste in compliance with Federal, State and local laws and regulations (to include JBLM installation Regulation 200-1). Spills of hazardous or toxic substances must be immediately reported to the Contracting Officer after notifying [the JBLM Fire Dept by dialing 911][ or ][YTC Range Division (509-225-8100) of downrange spills or YTC Police Department (509-577-3911) of cantonment area spills].  Cleanup and cleanup costs due to Contractor-generated spills are the Contractor's responsibility. The disposition of Contractor-generated hazardous waste and excess hazardous materials are the Contractor's responsibility.
3.6.5 Waste Water As directed in the note, coordinate language/selections with the JBLM ED Water Program (for work on JBLM Lewis-Main, Lewis-North, or McChord Field - to include training areas) or JBLM YTC ED (for work on JBLM YTC). See for POC information.  
3.6.6 HM/HW Points of Contact Add this paragraph and include the following. Select the bracketed Environmental Operations language for work on JBLM Lewis-Main, Lewis-North, or McChord Field (to include training areas). Select the bracketed One Stop Yard language for work on JBLM YTC : For questions pertaining to the storage, use, and disposal of Hazardous Materials and/or Hazardous Waste on JBLM, the Contractor shall contact [PW, Environmental Operations at (253) 967-4786][ or ][the YTC One Stop Yard at(509) 577-3830].
3.6.7 Restricted Use Materials Add this paragraph and include the following. Include the bracketed text for work on JBLM YTC: To meet Pollution Prevention, Hazardous Materials Management, and Sustainable Acquisition obligations, JBLM maintains a Restricted Use List (RUL). Any product is considered unauthorized if it contains at least one RUL-listed chemical. A copy of the Restricted Use List is available from the JBLM Pollution Prevention Program (Bldg 1210).  If a product containing a restricted constituent is essential to project completion, a RUL exemption request (HJB Form 226) can be submitted to the Pollution Prevention Program via the KO or COR. A current written and signed exemption letter from Pollution Prevention is required for any use of a restricted product on JBLM.  The Contractor shall receive this authorization from the Pollution Prevention Program via the KO or COR prior to using any product that contains chemicals listed on the RUL. Only materials necessary for and associated with the execution of the contract will be allowed on Government property. The exemption request form is available at The RUL for Lewis-Main, Lewis-North, McChord Field, and supported external facilities is located at A related information paper is available at
[For projects on JBLM YTC, coordination will be with JBLM YTC Environmental Compliance via the COR or Government Project Manager. JBLM YTC ED authorizes products for use on JBLM YTC.]
3.6.8 Contingency Planning and Spill Response Add this paragraph and include the following. Include the bracketed text for work at JBLM YTC: The Contractor shall comply with the provisions of the installation's Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasures Plan (SPCCP) and Integrated Contingency Plan (ICP).  The PW ED maintains these plans. The Contractor shall also maintain on site a written contingency plan with site locations for local spill response, JBLM contact numbers, and functional spill kits in areas of hazardous material use. The Contractor shall also maintain on site a written contingency plan for HW accumulation and HM storage areas if the work associated with this contract generates HW or requires storage of HM. [JBLM YTC actions will comply with the YTC SPCCP and ICP.] 
3.6.9 Transportation of HM and HW Add this paragraph and include the following: The Contractor shall comply with all Department of Transportation (DOT) requirements and installation policy associated with HM/HW, including proper container marking/labeling and vehicle placarding when transporting HM/HW on or off the installation. 
The Contractor shall obtain Government approval prior to removal of any HW from the installation. Removal shall only be done by an authorized HW transporter having an EPA Identification Number and with the HW recorded on a Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest (EPA Form 8700-22). See paragraph TRANSPORTATION AND DISPOSAL in this section for more information. 
3.6.10 HM/HW Personnel and Training Requirements Add this paragraph and include the following: The Contractor shall appoint an Environmental (Compliance) Officer (EO), Hazardous Material Technician (HMT), and a Hazardous Waste Technician (HWT) in writing, if the work associated with this contract causes the Contractor to generate, store, or handle HM/HW. The EO/HMT/HWT shall be responsible for ensuring the HM and HW requirements of this specification are met. Such personnel shall meet the applicable training requirements as stated in Appendix J of installation Regulation 200-1 (and/or as directed by JBLM YTC Environmental Compliance for actions at JBLM YTC).
The Contractor shall ensure that all personnel are trained in accordance with Federal and Washington State Department of Ecology regulations and installation requirements before being assigned to any position handling HW/HM. This training shall include, but not be limited to:
a. Environmental Operations Management Course for EOs/HMTs/HWTs at JBLM. The 8 hour course is typically available three Wednesdays a month from PW, Environmental Operations and shall be taken prior to the Contractor generating, storing, or handling HM or HW on the installation. The Contractor shall contact Environmental Operations to schedule attendance (253-966-6454/967-4786). Environmental Operations also offers a half-day refresher version of this course monthly that is required annually for appointed EOs, HMTs, and HWTs.

b. First Responder Awareness Level as specified in the ICP.

c. Initial and annual contingency plan review and rehearsal for employees.
d. Hazard Communication training.
The Contractor shall maintain a record of all required training, and the date conducted, for each individual requiring training and shall make this record available to the Government at all times during the execution of this contract.
3.6.11 Hazardous Materials Use and Notification Add the following. Include the bracketed text for Pollution Prevention for work on JBLM Lewis-Main, Lewis-North, or McChord Field (to include training areas) and supported external facilities. Include the bracketed text for YTC Environmental Compliance for work on JBLM YTC: Only hazardous materials required for the project will be brought onto JBLM. Any hazardous materials that are not in use or not used within one week from initial entry onto JBLM will be considered in storage. Storage is authorized only for those hazardous materials directly supporting the government contracted project. The Contractor shall report any stored hazardous materials on a quarterly basis through the submission of a hazardous materials inventory (JBLM HJB Form 953). This form is available from the JBLM Pollution Prevention Program (Bldg 1210) or YTC ED (Bldg 810) and is due by the 15th day of the month following the calendar year quarter. The Contractor shall submit the inventory to [Pollution Prevention][ or ][YTC Environmental Compliance] via the COR or Government Project Manager. This can be done by emailing the completed form and scanned copies of Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for the listed products to the COR or Government Project Manager with [ (for Pollution Prevention)][ or ][  (for YTC Environmental Compliance)] entered in the carbon copy ("cc") line.
Hazardous material use, storage, and transport on JBLM shall comply with installation Regulation 200-1, Environmental Protection and Enhancement. The general contractor shall designate personnel to manage hazardous material compliance among the project's contractors/subcontractors and ensure compliance with the data submission requirements stated below. The primary individual(s) assigned these responsibilities shall perform the function of Environmental (Compliance) Officer as stated in installation Regulation 200-1 and meet the applicable training requirements as stated in that Regulation.
Per Army policy, JBLM has compiled Authorized Use Lists (AULs) for hazardous material users on JBLM.  No hazardous material may be used on JBLM until it has been reviewed by the [JBLM Pollution Prevention Program][ or ][YTC Environmental Compliance] for restricted or unauthorized constituents and approved for use (i.e., added to the Contractor's Authorized Use List). Per this paragraph and paragraph RESTRICTED USE MATERIALS in this section, [the Pollution Prevention Program][ or ][YTC Environmental Compliance] will review submitted SDS documents and notify the Contractor regarding any unauthorized or disapproved hazardous materials via the project COR. Contractors shall only use hazardous materials that have been authorized for their use by the applicable approving office (Pollution Prevention or YTC Environmental Compliance).
The Contractor shall submit an initial list of hazardous materials that will be used on the project, to include unit(s) of measure and Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for each product, to [the JBLM Pollution Prevention Program][ or ][YTC Environmental Compliance] via the COR or Government Project Manager. This initial list shall only include products that will be or are very likely to be used on the project.  It shall also include contact information for the Contractor's primary point of contact for hazardous material management. In addition, the Contractor shall submit SDS documents and unit(s) of measure for all additional hazardous materials as the need for their use arises. A reformulated product is considered a new product and must have its SDS submitted in this manner. If sending to the COR or Government Project Manager via email, these documents should be concurrently submitted to [the Pollution Prevention Program by including in the carbon copy ("cc") line][ or ][YTC Environmental Compliance by including in the carbon copy ("cc") line]. Submitted SDS documents will undergo a chemical review by the applicable review office (Pollution Prevention or YTC Environmental Compliance). The review office will contact the Contractor via the project COR or Government Project Manager if any issues arise, such as restricted constituents (per this paragraph and paragraph RESTRICTED USE MATERIALS in this section). 
Submitted SDS documents shall be legible, have a sufficiently large font size that it is easily readable, and be printed or imaged on a white background that is easily photocopied or scanned. These documents shall be the most current available from the manufacturer. Submitted SDS documents shall list all hazardous constituents, including the CAS number and percentage by weight (or percentage range) of each hazardous constituent. The SDS shall also include descriptions of the product's physical properties, acute health risks, chronic health risks, and environmental effects. When submitted on paper, all documents shall be duplex printed and use paper with a minimum 30% postconsumer recycled content.
The JBLM requirement to submit a quarterly hazardous material inventory for in use hazardous materials has been waived for construction contractors, provided they meet all of the requirements of this specification and the applicable hazardous material management requirements of installation Regulation 200-1, Environmental Protection and Enhancement. Instead, each contractor/subcontractor shall submit a hazardous material inventory at the conclusion of every project phase/component and by 15 January for work going past the calendar year. Hazardous material information, such as product codes, color (e.g. paint color), unit of measure, storage location, and quantities used shall be provided on the inventory. Inventories shall be submitted on JBLM HJB Form 953. If sending to the COR or Government Project Manager via email, the inventory should be concurrently submitted to [the Pollution Prevention Program by including in the carbon copy ("cc") line][ or ][YTC Environmental Compliance by including in the carbon copy ("cc") line].  
3.6.12 Storage Facilities Add this paragraph and include the following: Facilities shall conform to the requirements of installation Regulation 200-1, meet all fire code requirements and provide adequate ventilation, containment, and protection from the elements. Provide warning signs, limit access to the facility, and lock it when it is unattended. Only authorized HM shall be stored in the facility.  Contractor vehicles are not considered a proper storage facility. No HM shall be stored in vehicles overnight or for any length of time.
3.6.13 Storage and Use Add this paragraph and include the following: The Contractor shall store HM according to product labels and SDS requirements. Hazardous Material (HM) use and storage shall comply with the HM requirements in installation Regulation 200-1. Non-compatible materials shall not be stored together. All containers shall be properly labeled as to contents and kept in good condition with tight fitting lids. Unopened containers shall be segregated from opened containers. Personal protective equipment (PPE) required by the SDS or product label shall be available and worn by all personnel who handle the product.
3.6.14 HM Inspections, Record Keeping and Reporting  Add this paragraph and include the following: The Contractor shall perform quarterly inspections of their HM storage facilities utilizing the HM Inspection Checklist (HJB Form 951-1). A current list of HM stored at the facility shall be maintained on site. Additionally, a current SDS for each product used or stored shall be present and on file at the site where the product is used or stored.
3.6.15 Hazard Communication Program Add this paragraph and include the following: The Contractor shall have a written Hazard Communication program, which explains how personnel are informed and trained concerning HM in the workplace as required by Federal, state and JBLM regulations. The written program shall be located at a hazard communication station that is accessible to all Contractor personnel and shall contain the following sections:
a. A current inventory of HM, who is responsible for classifying a product as a HM, and how the inventory is updated.

b. Labels and other forms of warning: This section shall describe the procedure for ensuring that each HM container is clearly labeled and has the appropriate warnings. The section also states who is responsible for labeling requirements and how label information is updated.

c. SDS file: The location of the SDS file, who maintains the file, and how personnel may access the file, shall be described. This section shall also describe what is done when a product is received without the SDS and how the SDS file is updated.

d. Personnel training and information: This section shall describe initial and refresher training provided to personnel concerning the hazards of the HM in the workplace, the training provided, and who conducts the training.

e. Information to non-Contractor personnel: This section shall describe how non-Contractor personnel are informed about possible hazards, where SDS copies can be obtained, and what PPE is required in the workplace.
3.6.16 Hazardous Waste 
Add this paragraph and include the following. Select the bracketed Environmental Operations text for work on JBLM Lewis-Main, Lewis-North, or McChord Field (to include training areas). Select YTC One Stop Yard text for work on JBLM YTC : The Contractor shall identify all HW generated during the execution of this contract.  The Contractor shall completely characterize the waste stream to identify the waste constituents. Each waste stream identity shall be recorded on a Hazardous Waste Profile Sheet (HWPS) and copies submitted via the COR or Government Project Manager to [PW, Environmental Operations (253-967-4786)][ or ][YTC One Stop Yard (509-577-3830] prior to waste generation. Installation approval for HW generation will come from [Environmental Operations][ or ][YTC One Stop Yard] via the COR or Government Project Manager. Profile sheets are available from [PW, Environmental Operations][ or ][YTC One Stop Yard], or Contractor generated equivalent sheets may be used. The Contractor is responsible for any costs associated with laboratory analysis to verify the waste stream identity if it is not obviously evident.
Add this paragraph and include the following. Select the bracketed text for Environmental Operations for work on JBLM Lewis-Main, Lewis-North, or McChord Field (to include training areas). Select text for YTC One Stop Yard for work on JBLM YTC: HW shall be accumulated in waste-compatible, sturdy, leak-proof, closed containers that are Department of Transportation (DOT) approved. 
[If the waste is to be turned in to JBLM Environmental Operations, the Contractor shall accumulate wastes only in Government-issued HW containers. Prior coordination and communication between the Environmental Division, Project Manager, COR, and Contractor is required for PW to assume waste management disposal responsibility.  In such cases, the Contractor shall contact PW, Environmental Operations, phone (253) 967-4786 for drums at JBLM.]
[If the waste is to be turned in to the YTC One Stop Yard, the Contractor shall obtain all HW containers from the One Stop Yard and turn in properly containerized HW to the One Stop Yard. For more information, coordinate with the COR or Government Project Manager and contact the One Stop Yard at (509) 577-3830. Note: Contractors will be billed by JBLM for waste that is turned-in to the One Stop Yard for disposal. HWs generated under service, facility, maintenance or construction contracts (construction demolition debris (asbestos/lead), paints, soil disposal, disposal of sand from ranges, sludge from wash racks, oil/water separators, water treatment plants, etc.) are to be funded as part of the original contract. Fees for disposal are set through DLA-Disposition Services per waste stream by weight.]
Each HW container shall be clearly labeled with the words HAZARDOUS WASTE, a description of the waste, and the hazard-associated description or label. Any container issued by [PW, Environmental Operations at 
JBLM][ or ][the One Stop Yard at JBLM YTC] shall have a bar-coded label that contains all necessary labeling information. This label can be obtained by contacting [PW, Environmental Operations at JBLM][ or ][the One Stop Yard at JBLM YTC].
3.6.18 Container Management  Add this paragraph and include the following: HW shall be handled in a manner that prevents leaks, spills, fires, and explosions.  Keep container tops and/or bungs tight except when adding/dispensing material. Avoid tipping a drum on its side to issue product outside the HM storage shed; use of a transfer pump is the preferred issue method. Containers shall be properly grounded when transferring flammable materials. Containers holding flammable liquids (flash point less than 140 degrees F) shall be grounded. Reactive and ignitable waste containers shall be stored in a manner compatible with NFPA Fire Code requirements. Incompatible wastes shall not be accumulated in the same container or in the same area.
The container accumulation area shall have overhead cover and shall be capable of being secured. Access to the area shall be restricted to trained personnel who need to be in and use the area. The site shall be locked when not in use. The container accumulation area shall have a secondary containment system and conform to the requirements of JBLM installation Regulation 200-1.
3.6.19 HW Inspection, Record Keeping and Reporting Add this paragraph and include the following: The Contractor shall inspect each accumulation point weekly, utilizing the Hazardous Waste Accumulation Area checklist, (HJB Form 950-1) to verify compliance with the above requirements. The checklist shall be available on site for inspection.
3.6.20 Transportation and Disposal Add this paragraph and include the following. Select bracketed language for Environmental Operations and spill reporting for work on JBLM Lewis-Main, Lewis-North, or McChord Field (to include training areas). Select bracketed language for YTC One Stop Yard and spill reporting for work on JBLM YTC: Hazardous Material (HM) transport shall comply with applicable HM requirements in installation Regulation 200-1. 
The Contractor shall be responsible for the transportation and disposal off site of all HW generated from the execution of this contract, unless stated otherwise in this specification. 
The Contractor or his representative who provides services that generate, prepare for shipment or transport hazardous waste, or provides hazardous waste clean-up/disposal services, shall be responsible for preparing EPA Form 8700-22 (Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest) for the state to which the material is being transported. The Contractor shall comply with all manifest and record keeping and reporting requirements.  Specific manifesting procedures include the following:
a. The Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest will only be signed by authorized personnel in [PW, Environmental Operations at Building 9679][ or ][the YTC One Stop Yard].
b. The Contractor shall provide a copy of the Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest and supporting documentation (i.e., waste profile and land ban as appropriate) to [PW, Environmental Operations][ or ][the YTC One Stop Yard] via the COR or Government Project Manager. Copies of these materials must reach [Environmental Operations][ or ][the YTC One Stop Yard] no less than 5 business days in advance of the proposed transporter pick up date.
c. Following coordination with the COR or Government Project Manager, the Contractor shall coordinate and schedule transportation pick up dates and times by contacting [PW, Environmental Operations at (253) 967-4786][ or ][the YTC One Stop Yard at (509) 577-3830]. This will ensure qualified individuals are available for the certification/signature of the manifest and other related documentation. A waste profile (land ban when required) must accompany the manifest to verify description of material being transported.] 
The Contractor shall be responsible for verifying that the shipment is properly identified (profiled), packaged, marked, labeled, and not leaking. The Contractor shall apply appropriate placards to the vehicle while transporting hazardous materials/waste.
The Contractor shall ensure that both the transporter and disposal facility have a valid Environmental Protection Agency identification number for the applicable hazardous waste services, i.e., transportation, treatment, storage, or disposal. 
The Contractor shall ensure that the transporter drivers have current DOT combination licenses. The Contractor shall ensure that the carrier has instructed and trained personnel concerning the applicable Hazardous Materials Transportation Act (HMTA) regulations relevant to their job functions.
The Contractor or his representatives shall take appropriate action (including cleanup) in the event of a release/spill outside containment to the ground or water. [If a release/spill occurs on JBLM, the Contractor shall immediately notify the JBLM Fire Department (Dial 911). Secondary notification shall be made to (253) 967-4786.]  [For spills on JBLM YTC, report downrange spills to the Range Division (509- 225-8100) and cantonment area spills to the Police Department (509-577-3911).]
The Contractor shall ensure the transporter and disposal facility have liability insurance in effect for claims arising out of death or bodily injury and property damage from hazardous material/waste transport, treatment, storage, and disposal, including vehicle liability and legal defense costs in the amount of $1,000,000.00, as evidenced by a certificate of insurance for General, Automobile, and Environmental Liability Coverage.
3.6.21 Hazardous Waste Turn-In Add this paragraph only for legacy contracts where an existing agreement is in place for the Government
to accept a small quantity of contractor-generated HW for turn-in. The prior coordination would have been with PW, Environmental Operations for actions to take place on JBLM Lewis-Main, Lewis-North, or McChord Field (to include training areas), and/or YTC One Stop Yard for actions to take place on JBLM YTC. Where this legacy agreement exists in the contract, select bracketed Environmental Operations language for work on JBLM Lewis-Main, Lewis-North, or McChord Field (to include training areas). Select bracketed YTC One Stop Yard language for work on JBLM YTC. Do not insert this paragraph into any new contracts. New contracts will follow 3.6.20 (contractor disposal w/ Government review of manifests):
The Contractor shall coordinate turn-in of small quantities of Hazardous Waste. Only HW generated on site as a result of the Contractor's execution of this contract will be accepted as long as prior coordination has been conducted and agreement exists between[ Environmental Operations,][ YTC One Stop Yard,] the COR or Government Project Manager, and Contractor.[ At JBLM Lewis-Main, Lewis-North, or McChord Field, coordination for turn-in shall be made with PW, Environmental Operations, phone (253) 967-4786.][ At JBLM YTC, coordination for turn-in shall be made with the YTC One Stop Yard, phone (509) 577-3830.]
Containers shall be turned in according to the requirements in JBLM installation Regulation 200-1. All HW that is turned in must be properly identified and characterized, contained, marked/labeled, and (if turned in from a site outside JBLM) manifested.  [ PW, Environmental 
Operations will provide assistance to the Contractor at JBLM Lewis-Main, Lewis-North, and McChord Field][ and ][T][t]he YTC One Stop Yard will provide assistance to the Contractor at JBLM YTC]. This assistance does not free the Contractor from the responsibility of ensuring that the waste is identified and managed in accordance with all of the above requirements so that it is acceptable for turn-in. The following procedures shall be followed:
a. Identify the HW. The HW must be one of the waste streams that the Contractor is permitted to generate on JBLM (per authorization from [PW, Environmental Operations][ or ][YTC One Stop Yard]) and for which a HWPS has been submitted. HM that has become HW shall require the name of the product, the SDS, the stock number if known, and manufacturer if known, or a completed waste profile analysis.
b. List the type, size, and number of containers, or items (e.g., PCB transformers).
c. Prepare the HW container(s) for turn-in as directed by the [Environmental Operations][ or ][YTC One Stop Yard] representative. If the container is closed, the representative may require the Contractor to open the container(s) to verify proper identification of the HW (not applicable to original, factory-sealed containers).
d. Provide certification as to HW identity and container compliance with appropriate regulations. The Contractor's appointed Environmental Officer shall sign the certificate.
3.8   NON-HAZARDOUS SOLID WASTE DIVERSION REPORT Add the following to the second sentence. Select bracketed text based on whether work will take place on JBLM Lewis-Main, Lewis-North, or McChord Field; and/or JBLM YTC: [For actions on JBLM Lewis-Main, Lewis-North, or McChord Field (to include training areas), copies of the completed form shall be provided to the PW Solid Waste and Recycling Program via the COR or Government Project Manager. Contractor shall use the JBLM Construction and Demolition Diversion-Disposal Transaction Report (HJB Form 229) and include any supporting documentation such as weight tickets in the submittal. Note: Contractors shall only submit reports and supporting documentation to the COR or Project Manager. Reports that are not signed by a government representative will not be accepted. All reports shall contain disposal tonnages. If no disposal occurred, write "None" in the Disposal column.]
[For actions on JBLM YTC, copies of the completed form, along with supporting documentation such as weight tickets, shall be provided to YTC Environmental Compliance via the COR or Government Project Manager. Contractor shall use the JBLM Construction and Demolition Diversion-Disposal Transaction Report (HJB Form 229). Form can be mailed to the following:
Attn: Environmental Compliance (Building 810), Yakima Training Center, 970 Firing Center Road, Yakima, WA 98901.
For more information, contact (509) 577-3545 or (509) 577-3889.]
3.10 BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES Add the following: JBLM provides habitat for both nesting and wintering populations of bald eagles. JBLM has established a primary (400 meter) and secondary (800 meter) zone around nest sites and communal night roosts, which require specific protection measures to avoid adverse impacts to eagles. The bald eagle nesting period at JBLM extends from December 1 to August 31. Major land uses such as construction of buildings, roads, power lines, and trails shall be avoided during the nesting period to protect nesting bald eagles on JBLM. This applies to both primary and secondary zones around nest sites. Coordinate with the COR or Project Manager and JBLM, ED, Fish and Wildlife Program for guidance as to other bald eagle restrictions and locations.
Any project/activity occurring in priority habitats of listed Endangered Species Act (ESA) species and/or where ESA listed species occur may require consultation with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service prior to any project/activity work being initiated.  No work will be initiated in a project area without coordinating with the COR or Project manager and the JBLM DPW Environmental Division Fish and Wildlife Program for project assessment under the ESA.
All activities involving natural resources, including, but not limited to, wetlands, threatened and endangered species, tree and vegetation removal, etc., must comply with AR 200-1 and JBLM installation regulations 200-1 and 420-5.
Contractors must comply with JBLM installation Regulation 200-1, including the removal of any Oregon white oak trees. Avoid removing Oregon white oak trees (Quercus garryana) that have a diameter breast height (dbh) of 4 inches or greater.  Any removed oak trees must be mitigated by planting six (6) 2-inch caliper balled Oregon white oak trees for every one (1) mature tree removed within the construction footprint. Coordinate with the COR or Government Project Manager and JBLM, ED, Fish and Wildlife Program for guidance on locations for planting replacement oak trees. 
Construction work should be done outside the root zones of oak and other trees. A tree's root zone is considered an area one-third larger than the drip line area. Ideally, no disturbance should occur within this zone, including digging. 
As per AR-200-1, 4-3, "Assure that agricultural and forest products are not given away, abandoned, carelessly destroyed, used to offset contract costs or traded for services, supplies, or products or otherwise improperly removed." If timber is to be harvested, coordination with DPW Forestry is necessary in advance of cutting. Merchantable trees shall be piled in a neat, limb-free deck for subsequent disposal by the Government. Piles shall be located AS DIRECTED by the Joint Base Lewis-McChord Public Works Forestry Branch via the COR or Government Project Manager. DECKING MAY REQUIRE LOG TRANSPORT OFF-SITE TO AN APPROPRIATE LOCATION ON THE INSTALLATION. Coordinate with the COR or Government Project manager and DPW Forestry if timber removal is part of project.
Trees to be cut down (except commercial harvests) should be cut outside the mid-May through August timeframe. The mid-May through August period is the general time when migratory birds nest at JBLM. Avoiding the tree cutting during this period would prevent harm to any birds nesting in these trees and would be in compliance with the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. Coordinate with the COR or Government Project Manager and JBLM ED Fish and Wildlife Program for guidance.
See also paragraph LANDSCAPING in this section.
3.11. Integrated Pest Management Replace with the following. Selection of bracketed text is up to the specification writer based on planned project structure and actions: In order to minimize impacts to existing fauna and flora, the Contractor (through the COR or Government Project Manager) must coordinate with the Installation Pest Management Coordinator (IPMC)[ and Project Pesticide Coordinator (PPC)] at the earliest possible time prior to pesticide application. Discuss integrated pest management strategies with the IPMC[ and PPC] and receive concurrence from the IPMC[ and PPC] through the COR or Government Project Manager prior to the application of any pesticide. Installation Pest Management personnel will be given the opportunity to be present at all meetings concerning treatment measures for pest or disease control and during application of the pesticide.[ For additional termiticide requirements see Section 31 31 16 SOIL TREATMENT FOR SUBTERRANEAN TERMITE CONTROL.] The use and management of pesticides are regulated under 40 CFR 150 - 189 and the JBLM Integrated Pest Management Plan. The Contractor will comply with hazardous material requirements in paragraphs RESTRICTED USE MATERIALS and HAZARDOUS MATERIALS USE AND NOTIFICATION in this section.
3.11.1 Pesticide Delivery and Storage Replace the last sentence with the following: Store pesticides according to manufacturer's instructions, installation Regulation 200-1, and under lock and key when unattended.
3.11.3 Pesticide Handling Requirements Replace with the following: Formulate, treat with, and dispose of pesticides and associated containers in accordance with label directions and installation Regulation 200-1. Use the clothing and personal protective equipment specified on the labeling for use during all phases of the application. Furnish Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for all pesticide products.
3.11.5 Pesticide Use Reporting Add this section and include the following. For actions only on JBLM Lewis-Main, Lewis-North, and McChord Field (to include training areas) and supported external facilities, select the bracketed text for those areas and the IPMC. For actions only on JBLM YTC, select the bracketed text for that location and the YTC ED Natural Resource Program. For actions at both locations, select "JBLM and supported external facilities" and both the IPMC and YTC ED Natural Resources Program, plus the last bracketed section : In addition to the hazardous material reporting requirements at paragraph HAZARDOUS MATERIALS USE AND NOTIFICATION in this section, the Contractor shall report total pounds of each pesticide active ingredient applied by product on [JBLM Lewis-Main, Lewis-North, and McChord Field (to include training areas) and supported external facilities][JBLM YTC][JBLM and supported external facilities] to the COR or Government Project Manager and the [IPMC (253-967-3474)][ and ][YTC ED Natural Resource Program (509-577-3500)] by 1 October each year. [Data for applications on JBLM YTC will be sent to the YTC Natural Resources Program. Data for all other applications on JBLM will be sent to the IPMC.]

Design Requirements
JBLM is committed to protect and conserve the environment. All maintenance, repair and construction work on the installation will comply with all applicable environmental policy, laws and regulations; identify potential sources of pollution and meet or exceed Army goals for prevention of pollution and minimize adverse environmental impacts. Contractors shall conform to JBLM's Environmental Policy and the requirements of JBLM's Environmental Management System.
Notes to Designers on Drawing Content
Standard Details
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Design Standards