READ FIRST - All JBLM utility distribution system work must be coordinated through the ESD Utilities Branch upon the start of project scoping.
 1.  As of 1 July 2019, City Light and Power (CLP) is now responsible for JBLM's Electrical Distribution system and hereby known as the electrical system owners.  The system point of demarcations are the primary power lines while the secondary lines will remain with the DPW shops.  The primary distribution system includes JBLM-Main, McChord Field, North, and all associated areas.  Excluded areas include Yakima Training Center and JBLM areas not geographically located near JBLM-Main.
 2.   The electrical utility privatization contract, SP0600-18-C-8327, was awarded through the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) and is being administered by Directorate of Public Works, Engineering Services Division, Utilities Branch.  For contract questions, concerns, or interpretations Government points of contact include the Contracting Officer Representative (COR), Mr. Francisco de la Torre 253-967-3750, and Utilities Branch Chief, Ms. Royanna Jackson 253-966-3282,
 3.    Per DA Memo dated April 24, 2018, all utility system infrastructure improvements and additions associated with privatized utility systems are to be accomplished through use of the cognizant Utilities Privatization System Owner, unless an exception has been granted. 
 4.     Per the privatization contract, CLP is responsible for design, construction, and connection to the JBLM electrical distribution system.  As each project begins, the project manager shall refer to the Service Connection Manual and submit a Service Connection Application to begin the process of coordination. The JBLM Service Connection Manual is provided here along with the Service Connection Application that must be filled out for each project that connects or effects the electrical distribution system. 
 5.     CLP's Construction standards are to be used for all project associated with the privatized utility systems.  These standards are provided for information to A-E's and project managers. 
The UFGS Section 26 12 21 will not be used for CLP design and construction.

  2. Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002, Section 9002
  3. Federal Sustainable Acquisition Items/Requirements
  4. Executive Order 13834
  5. DoD Green Procurement Policy (Aug 27 2004)
  6. DoD Green Procurement Strategy (Nov 2008)
  7. Army Green Procurement Policy (Nov 22 2006)
  8. Federal Acquisition Regulation, Part 23
  9. USDA BioPreferred Program
  10. EPA Final Guidance on Environmentally Preferable Purchasing
  11. HJB Form 225 (JBLM Sustainable Acquisition Exception Form)
  12. UFC 1-200-2 (High Performance and Sustainable Buildings Requirements)
  13. ASA IE&E Sustainable Design and Development Policy (Jan 17 2017)
Changes or Criteria Notes to Unified Facilities Guide Specifications (UFGS)
Paragraph # and Title (if any) Note to Designer Change Text

Design Requirements
 For areas not included in the above electrical utility privatization, the below design requirements still apply.
General: Primary distribution voltage is 13.8 kV (JBLM Lewis-Main, Lewis-North and McChord Field) or 12.474 kV (YTC)
     Pad-mount Distribution Transformers: Furnish and install liquid-filled, pad-mounted transformers for the facility in the project. Locate transformers to comply with AT/FP requirements. Based on the electrical load of the facility or facilities to be served, determine the KVA capacity and low-voltage rating of the transformer. Install outdoor, medium-voltage transformers on vaults. 
     Transformer Specifications:  Distribution transformers shall be new, loop-feed, with two separate windings per phase and shall be of the less-flammable, liquid-insulated type with bio-based biodegradable dielectric liquid derived from natural esters, complying with IEEE C57.12.00 and IEEE C57.12.21. Transformers shall be dead-front, equipped with oil-immersed bayonet-type overload fuses in series with partial range current-limiting fuses, five primary taps (two-above and two-below nominal), and three two-position load-break switches to permit opening and closing of either side of the loop, and the ability to de-energize the transformer with the loop remaining energized. Permanently attach high-voltage warning signs to each side of the transformer and include transformer KVA rating, secondary voltage and phase information at the front door of the secondary compartment.  Provide copper-faced or stainless steel ground connection pads in the high- and low-voltage compartments, a dial-type thermometer, pressure-relief valve, liquid-level gauge, and drain valve. Provide oil sampling tube on transformers 500kVA and above. Provide removable MOV surge arrestors with removable grounds on the unused side of loop transformers, where applicable. Where the transformer is used as a feed-through, provide fault indicators. Provide insulated bushing-type parking stands adjacent to each separable load-break elbow to provide for cable isolation. Provide padlock hasps and locks Coordinate lock style and material with the PW Exterior Electrical Shop. Provide bollards for protection in locations vulnerable to vehicular traffic per TPU standards.
     At ground to air or air to ground transition area, it shall be long radius GRS elbow installed. Wrap 12-inch above grade and 12-inch below grade with corrosion proof tape at transition area.
All pad mounted equipment color shall comply with existing color schemes.
Notes to Designers on Drawing Content
Standard Details
Only the DPW AHJ and/or electrical inspectors as appointees by the AHJ can override the design standards and codes.
Applicable Points of Contact
For all electrical inspections coordinate with:
Mr. Dwayne M. Lee
Senior Construction Control Representative/SCCR
CIB/ESD, Directorate of Public Works
Joint Base Lewis-McChord,WA 98433
Govt. Work Cell: (253)219-8969
Design Standards