
  2. UFC 3-580-01 Telecommunications Building Cabling Systems Planning and Design, 4-2.6.4 (Comply with Chapter 3 of the I3A Technical Criteria, Feb 10’, until UFC 3-580-02 is published).
  3. INSTALLATION INFORMATION INFRASTRUCTURE ARCHITECTURE (I3A) Technical Criteria (Feb 2010) -- *See Appendix “D References”
  4. 33 82 00 Telecommunications Outside Plant (OSP) NEC July 2020
Changes or Criteria Notes to Unified Facilities Guide Specifications (UFGS)
Paragraph # and Title (if any) Note to Designer Change Text
Design Requirements
SECTION 33 82 00 
Add to Part 1 General:
  1. Site Telecommunications 
1.1 General:  Government Telecommunications systems (voice/data) consist of the Army-owned telephone system Voice over Internet Protocol (VOIP), which provides Army communications, and the Local Area Network (LAN). Install outside plant telecommunications maintenance holes/vaults/hand holes, ducts/conduits, and required distribution cables between identified point of connection and the building’s telecommunications entrance facility. Coordinate all telecommunication requirements with the USACE PE/QA; Telecommunications Contractor and their Registered Communications Distribution Designer (RCDD) on staff and at site; and JBLM Network Enterprise Center (NEC), specifically with the Plans Branch and the MCA IT Project Manager and Team Members, through the Contracting Officer.  Coordinate and attend inspections with DPW/NEC during each phase of construction. Non-Army Communications for residential telephone, cable television, and internet access is furnished by local commercial communications carriers.
1.2 Coordination with Adjacent Construction Projects:  Alert the Contracting Officer when coordination with adjacent construction projects is required by the Telecommunications System Contractor. The RCDD on staff and at site shall be included in all telecommunication coordination activities.
Add to 1.5 OSP Copper Cable:
  1. a) All newly installed OSP copper cabling shall be considered, designed, installed, and tested as special circuits (special circuits are defined as non-switched data circuits such as ISDN, DSL/ADSL or DS1/T1’s).
  2. b) All OSP copper cabling shall be tested to all the parameters of the RUS Bulletin 1753F-201 (PC-4) RUS Standard for Acceptance Test and Measurements of Telecommunications Plant and the I3A 3.19.1 (specifically Insertion loss). All field test equipment shall meet the requirement of the TIA/EIA-568-C.2-Annix I and/or TIA/EIA-1152-2009.
Add to Part 2 Telecommunications Maintenance holes/vaults/hand holes: a) Telecommunications maintenance holes/vaults/hand holes shall meet current standards and specifications and installed with proper orientation as specified in the I3A, RCDD Design, and manufacturer’s instructions. Telecommunications maintenance holes/vaults/hand holes shall meet the following minimum criteria:
  1. Design maintenance holes/vaults/hand holes to meet an AASHTO HS-20 loading. I3A
  2. Maintenance holes/vaults shall have galvanized embedded pulling irons in each corner, top and bottom.
  3. Maintenance holes/vaults/hand holes shall have a minimum of four galvanized "C" channels per longitudinal side.
  4. Equip maintenance holes/vaults/hand holes with PVC duct terminators at all points of entry/terminations (Term-a-duct or similar).
  5. Include galvanized steel access ladder in maintenance holes/vaults/hand holes.
  6. Minimum depth of cover shall be 24 inches for maintenance holes/vaults/hand holes. Plug all unoccupied ducts, sub-ducts, and inner ducts - whether main or subsidiary runs - using universal screw type duct plugs in telecommunications maintenance holes/vaults and hand holes and at building entrances. Foam sealant is not acceptable. Splice cases for copper cabling shall be of the pre-formed stainless-steel type or approved equal copper cabling. Splice cases for fiber optic cabling shall be of the Tyco type or approved equal for fiber splice cases. “Stretch cases” are not allowed due to case length and size of maintenance holes specified in the I3A November 2017 (OSP Only) design criteria. Do not use encapsulating compounds. Flash test splice cases using Use only clean, dry air or nitrogen in accordance with Telcordia Standard GR771 manufacturer standards. Splice cases shall be installed in such a manner that their weight is supported by the cable hooks in the maintenance hole/vault.  Splice cases shall not be installed in hand holes without prior approval from the JBLM NEC. Verify the maintenance hole/vault/hand hole orientation prior to installation. Please notification to the DPW/NEC Plans Branch at least 72-hours prior to installation of telecommunications maintenance holes/vaults/hand holes. DPW as owners of the duct bank and maintenance hole system and NEC as owners of the cabling that utilizes the duct bank and maintenance hole system. Provide grounding and bonding, to include resistance testing/reports in and for all telecommunications maintenance holes/vaults/hand holes, to comply with the I3A/TIA-. Perforated ribbon shall not be used. All shall have grounding in accordance with the NFPA 70-(National Electrical Code), ANSI-C2, (NESC) and the criteria cited in the latest I3A. Methods shall comply with those cited in the RUS Bulletin 1751F-802 dated 12 Apr 94. All communications maintenance holes/vaults/hand holes grounding shall achieve not greater than 25 ohms; but shall not install more than 2 – ¾ inch dia. X 10 feet L. copper-clad ground rods. Grounding rods shall be spaced a distance equal to or greater than the length of the ground rods. Upon completion of the grounding system installation, the contractor shall provide a final ground resistance test report that uses the “fall of potential method”. Provide labeling per TIA 606 and JBLM NEC Standards. The JBLM NEC labeling Standards identifies local administrative labeling derived from TIA 606 options. Contact NEC for label guidance prior to affixing labels. Hand Holes: Hand Holes: Hand holes are reinforced concrete units provided with a lid that permits internal access to the housed components. Hand holes are typically used as pull points for small-diameter cables used for building access. A hand hole shall not be used in place of a maintenance hole in lateral runs or in a main conduit system. Hand holes shall not be used in runs of more than three 4-inch conduits. Hand holes shall not be used for splicing cables without prior U.S. Government approval. Telecommunications hand holes shall not be shared with electrical installations. The acceptable hand hole size is 4 feet x 4 feet x 4 feet (1.2 m x 1.2 m x 1.2.m). Hand holes installed where vehicular traffic may be present shall be load-rated as H-20 and shall be equipped with round maintenance hole lids. Lightning Protection: Follow the I3A paragraph 3.18 - Grounding for protection of telecommunications infrastructure. Telecommunications Cut-Over Plan: JBLM NEC shall provide a local telecommunications cutover plan template for use by contractor to ensure ease of review, planning and execution. Utilization of template will provide for adherence NEC centric internal processes. Telecommunications Inside Plant/Outside Plant (ISP/OSP) Check Sheet: JBLM NEC shall provide to USACE the updated JBLM NEC Telecommunications ISP/OSP process check sheet to promote ease of planning for telecommunication installation planning and inspection activities (check list provided to USACE at project kickoff meeting or prior upon request): List not all inclusive, see subject check sheet for complete details of items listed below:
  1. OSP drawing review of Maintenance hole/hand hole/vault.
  2. Attend pre-construction meetings for each milestone.
  3. Review Product submittals
  4. Witness Maintenance hole/hand hole/vault installation
  5. Inspect internal Maintenance hole/hand hole/vault installation of accessories.
  6. Inspect internal Maintenance hole/hand hole/vault grounding installation.
  7. Review grounding test results.
  8. Witness Duct placement to include concrete pour.
  9. Witness Trace wire installation
  10. Witness Mandrel test.
  11. Witness backfills to grade.
  12. Periodic spot checks.
  13. Punch list creation / review / backcheck. JBLM NEC Telecom ISP & OSP Labeling Convention guide - JBLM NEC shall provide a local Telecom ISP & OSP Labeling Convention for use by contractor to ensure ease of review, planning and execution for proper acceptable labeling. The guide will provide contractors with clarity of label prior to affixing to equipment and or systems.
Change to 2.8 Wire and Cable to read
2.8.2 Fiber Optic Cable
Provide[ single-mode, 8/125-um, 0.10 aperture 1310 nm fiber optic cable in accordance with TIA-492CAAA][ single-mode, 8/125-um, 0.10 aperture 1550 nm fiber optic cable in accordance with TIA-492E000][ and ][ multimode 62.5/125- um, 0.275 aperture fiber optic cable in accordance with TIA-492AAAA ][ multimode 50/125-um, 0.275 aperture fiber optic cable in accordance with TIA-492AAAB], TIA-472D000, and ICEA S-87-640 including any special requirements made necessary by a specialized design. Provide 12 single-mode optical fibers strands [as indicated]. Fiber optic cable shall be specifically designed for outside use with loose buffer construction. Provide fiber optic color code in accordance with TIA/EIA-598. The use of armored fiber optic cable shall only be used in direct bury applications.
Add to part 3
3.1.4.a - Telecommunications Duct Banks: Concrete encasement: In new construction (BRAC/MCA), the duct system shall be concrete encased in all main cantonment areas of JBLM shall be constructed of Rigid Nonmetallic Conduit Schedule 40 – for direct burial or encasement in concrete (shall meet NEMA Standard TC-2) in concrete of minimum 3,000 lbs./in2 (20,700 kPa) compressive strength where vehicular traffic (i.e., automotive, railway) is above the pathway or where a bend or sweep is placed.  unless otherwise specified by specification, standard, or design criteria. In preparing the trench bed for the conduit installation, the trench bed shall be leveled to form an even base. In some cases, it may be necessary to provide sand or fine earth to establish an even base. If, upon excavation, the trench bed appears to be incapable of firmly supporting the conduit, the Engineer shall determine whether a concrete base is required (RUS Bulletin 1753F-151). Duct spacers are required, and duct bank properly formed and framed prior to concrete pour.
3.1.4.b) All new ducts shall be mandrel-tested with a 12-inch nonflexible mandrel with a diameter that is ½-inch less than the duct inside diameter, except that a 6-inch nonflexible mandrel shall be used only at the final 90-degree rigid steel conduit sweep to the telecommunications room or pole riser.  Request contractors include an invitation for a NEC and DPW representative presence for visual verification of successful Mandrel pull test. DPW as owners of the duct bank and maintenance hole system and NEC as owners of the cabling that utilizes the duct bank and maintenance hole system. All inner ducts shall be I3A compliant fabric mesh inner duct. Each 4” ducts requiring inner duct shall contain fabric mesh tapes consisting of a minimum of (three) 3-inch, 3-cell per tape, maximum of three tapes/nine cells per duct.
3.1.4.c) Technical Criteria for the Installation Information Infrastructure Architecture (OSP), November 2017 (I3A 2017) - Duct Installation Guidelines: a. Depth of cover: At least 24 inches (600 mm) of cover are required above the top of the duct bank. At least 18 inches (457 mm) of cover are required under roads or sidewalks (if duct is concrete-encased). For ducts installed in solid rock, the cover shall consist of at least 150 mm (6 inches) of concrete. If rock is encountered below grade, the minimum cover above the concrete-encased duct shall be 12 inches (300 mm). Refer to Figure C-3 (Figure C-10 for Europe), Conduit Placement/Cut and Resurface, for details. The cover or fill shall be compacted IAW UFGS-02300.
3.1.4.d) Existing conduit systems located within the construction area, if damaged due to construction activities, shall be repaired and encased in concrete by the contractor. Any existing conduit systems located in the construction area that will be, by design, paved over for a parking lot, driveway, and/or entranceway shall be concrete encased by contractor prior to moving vehicles or equipment over the top of the conduit system.
End Section 33 82 00 NEC Review
Notes to Designers on Drawing Content
Standard Details
Applicable Points of Contact
Design Standards