- 31 00 00 Earthwork
- UFC 3-201-01 Civil Engineering with Change 5
- UFC 3 210-10 Low Impact Development
- UFC 3-220-01 Geotechnical Engineering
- UFC 3200-10N Soil Mechanics
Changes or Criteria Notes to Unified Facilities Guide Specifications (UFGS)
Paragraph # and Title (if any)
Note to Designer
Change Text
Design Requirements
Utility Trenching Across Existing Roadways and Parking Lots:
1. The desired method of underground utility crossings of existing roadways or parking lots on JBLM is to jack or bore conduit under the roadway. As of June 01, 2004, there is a moratorium on cutting any road or parking lot for any reason without prior written approval of the Director of Public Works.
2. A request to trench across any paved roadway or parking lot must be submitted to the DPW for signature. A sketch and supporting written justification for the need to trench must accompany the request. A dig permit for open trenching across a paved roadway will not be issued without signed permission.
3. If approved road cuts the minimum width shall be 6 feet wide with 15 feet the preferred width with all cuts having a minimum of 2 feet of new pavement on each side of the trench wall. The exact size will be determined with the road cut approval.
Any ground disturbing activities will require coordination with the JBLM Stormwater Program Office to ensure compliance with the MS4 permit. At the minimum, erosion and sediment controls must be identified in the Environmental Protection Plan (EPP) submittal prior to construction. If planned ground disturbance is greater than 5,000 square feet, a stormwater Drainage Plan and Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) will be required. Please contact the Stormwater office at:
JBLM Stormwater Design Guidance and Construction SWPPP templates are located on the JBLM Stormwater Website:
JBLM borrow source area is controlled by the Standard Operating Procedures outlined in the JOINT BASE LEWIS-McCHORD (JBLM) BORROW SOURCE AREA STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES memo.
JBLM Borrow Source SOP, 11 Mar 2022
Notes to Designers on Drawing Content
Standard Details
Typical A.C. Pavement Patch
Applicable Points of Contact
Design Standards