
  1. Quality Assurance: EP 415-1-261, Volume 1
  3. EP 1110-1-11 Engineering and Design - Asbestos Abatement Guideline Detail Sheets - SPECIFY THE USE ONLY OF DETAIL SHEET 19, titled: "Certification of Final Cleaning and Visual Inspection"  found on page 51; unless particular project requires specific prescriptive approaches.
  4. Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002, Section 9002
  5. Federal Sustainable Acquisition Items/Requirements
  6. Executive Order 13834
  7. DoD Green Procurement Policy (Aug 27 2004)
  8. DoD Green Procurement Strategy (Nov 2008)
  9. Army Green Procurement Policy (Nov 22 2006)
  10. Federal Acquisition Regulation, Part 23
  11. USDA BioPreferred Program
  12. EPA Final Guidance on Environmentally Preferable Purchasing
  13. HJB Form 225 (JBLM Sustainable Acquisition Exception Form)
  14. UFC 1-200-2 (High Performance and Sustainable Buildings Requirements)
  15. ASA IE&E Sustainable Design and Development Policy (Jan 17 2017)
Changes or Criteria Notes to Unified Facilities Guide Specifications (UFGS)
Paragraph # and Title (if any) Note to Designer Change Text
  The UFGS cancelled this section in 2015 and replaced with 02 82 13.00 10. Only use this section for old contracts that have 02 82 14.00 10 incorporated in their specifications. For all other contracts, including new contracts, use 02 82 13.00 10.  
1.2   REFERENCES Add the following references:
Include the bracketed reference for work at YTC.
WAC 173-400-10, General Regulations for Air Pollution Sources: Policy and Purpose
WAC 296-62-077, General Occupational Health Standards: Asbestos, Tremolite, Anthophyllite, and Actinolite
WAC 296-65, Asbestos Removal & Encapsulation
PSCAA Regulation III, Article 4
[YRCAA Regulation 1] 
Additional Sampling
Add this subparagraph : The Contractor shall provide the test results of any additional asbestos bulk samples taken during the execution of this contract to PW-ED-TSM.  Asbestos bulk sampling (surveys) are required to be performed in accordance with applicable sections of 29 CFR 1926.1101, WAC 296-62-077, PSCAA Regulation III Article 4, and 40 CFR 763.
1.5 SUBMITTALS Delete reference to Section 01 33 29, unless incorporated into the contract specs.  
1.5 SUBMITTALS [NOTE: In the column to the right, select 01 33 29 when it is incorporated into the specifications, otherwise select 01 57 19 and ensure it includes added sustainable language at paragraphs 1.3 and 1.15]
Create a "SD-01 Pre-construction Submittals" and "SD-11 Closeout Submittals"  category for "Mastic Removers" and add the following:
Biobased Content; S
1.8.1   LICENSES, PERMITS AND NOTIFICATIONS Add the following sentence to the end of existing paragraph:     
Incorporate the link for work on JBLM YTC.  Incorporate the link for work on all other parts of JBLM.
Additional information and local air pollution control authority permit forms may be found at the following web site: 
[]   Permits Required Prior to Work Add this paragraph:
In subparagraph a, incorporate the bracketed YTC address for work on JBLM YTC.  Incorporate the bracketed Public Works address for work on all other JBLM locations.
Include bracketed subparagraphs b and c for work on all JBLM locations other than YTC.  Include the bracketed subparagraphs d through f for work on JBLM YTC.  Adjust paragraph lettering as needed based on location.
Prior to the contractor beginning work on the project:
a. Copies of all approved permits for asbestos removal. All asbestos permit applications must indicate the building number and street name of the project site.  If a permit application has multiple buildings included on it, all the building numbers and street names must be included.  The Contractor shall indicate the following address on the permit application under property owner: [PUBLIC WORKS, ATTN: IMWE-LEW-PWE, MS 17, BOX 339500, JOINT BASE LEWIS-MCCHORD, WA, 98433-9500] [Yakima Training Center, Attn: PW-ED, 970 Firing Center Rd, Yakima, WA 98901].
[b. Friable asbestos permits. Permits for friable asbestos abatement projects may be obtained from PW-ED-Toxic Substances Management (TSM) if the asbestos abatement project involves less than 159 SF or 259 LF of friable asbestos, per building/project in a calendar year. POC 's Kelly Rosacrans (966-1776) or Mike Roberts (966-1775) can assist by issuing and approving internal permits. When internal asbestos removal permits are issued through PW-ED-TSM, no fees will be associated with the permit. The permit would be in lieu of a PSCAA permit. Friable abatement projects exceeding the internal permit limitations (those projects >159SF, >259LF) must obtain permits directly from PSCAA prior to starting the work.
c. Non-friable asbestos permits. All non-friable asbestos abatement projects require a removal permit from PW-ED-TSM prior to the project start. Contact the PW-ED-TSM POC 's listed above for non-friable permits.]
[d. The contractor must, prior to any demolition or renovation work conducted in Yakima County or Kittitas County, inspect for the presence of asbestos-containing materials (ACM).  A report must be provided that identifies the locations, types and quantities of asbestos found.  Inspection must be conducted by a certified asbestos inspector.  All reports must be provided to YTC PW - Environmental Compliance for retention.
e. The Contractor must submit notification to YRCAA (Yakima County)/Ecology Central
Office (Kittitas County) and YTC Environmental Compliance 10 days prior to any renovation/demolition work, unless demolition involves less than 10 lf or 48 sq ft of ACM per structure in a calendar year. Notify YTC PW-Environmental Compliance in writing if this will be the case for
record/report retention.
f. All asbestos likely to be disturbed must be removed prior to the work.] Project Completion Notification Add this paragraph: Upon project completion:
a. A building floor plan and quantity summary sheet showing the exact locations where asbestos has been removed and/or encapsulated and approximate location of asbestos remaining as per the survey provided.
b. Copies of laboratory analysis results for clearance sampling and air monitoring including pre-abatement, area, and personal air samples.
c. All job site entry logs or other documentation indicating who worked at or entered the regulated work site. 
d. Internal abatement permits, friable and non-friable, must be completed and returned to PW-ED-TSM  immediately upon completion of the project.
1.8.3   WARNING SIGNS AND TAPE Consider deleting references to Detail Setup Sheets.  Using the referenced Detail Sheets can considerably add to the complexity therefore costs to the project, without providing additional environmental or life safety benefits. They are also considered "prescriptive" versus "performance" based requirements.  Project Designer should add individual detail sheet references only when they see benefit to the particular project at hand. See Criteria section of this document, item "d" for additional instructions.  
1.8.4   WARNING LABELS Consider deleting references to Detail Setup Sheets.  Using the referenced Detail Sheets can considerably add to the complexity therefore costs to the project, without providing additional environmental or life safety benefits. They are also considered "prescriptive" versus "performance" based requirements.  Project Designer should add individual detail sheet references only when they see benefit to the particular project at hand. See Criteria section of this document, item "d" for additional instructions.  
2.4.3 Consider deleting references to Detail Setup Sheets.  Using the referenced Detail Sheets can considerably add to the complexity therefore costs to the project, without providing additional environmental or life safety benefits. They are also considered "prescriptive" versus "performance" based requirements.  Project Designer should add individual detail sheet references only when they see benefit to the particular project at hand. See Criteria section of this document, item "d" for additional instructions.  
2.4.5 Mastic Removing Solvent [NOTE: In the column to the right, select 01 33 29 when it is incorporated into the specifications, otherwise select 01 57 19 and ensure it includes the added sustainable acquisition language at paragraphs 1.3 and 1.15]
Add the following:
Provide product and documentation meeting the requirements at Section [01 33 29 SUSTAINABILITY REPORTING] [01 57 19 TEMPORARY ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROLS] paragraph BIO-BASED PRODUCTS. See also
2.4.6   Leak-tight Wrapping Consider deleting references to Detail Setup Sheets.  Using the referenced Detail Sheets can considerably add to the complexity therefore costs to the project, without providing additional environmental or life safety benefits. They are also considered "prescriptive" versus "performance" based requirements.  Project Designer should add individual detail sheet references only when they see benefit to the particular project at hand. See Criteria section of this document, item "d" for additional instructions.  
3.3.1   Removal of Mobile Objects Consider deleting references to Detail Setup Sheets.  Using the referenced Detail Sheets can considerably add to the complexity therefore costs to the project, without providing additional environmental or life safety benefits. They are also considered "prescriptive" versus "performance" based requirements.  Project Designer should add individual detail sheet references only when they see benefit to the particular project at hand. See Criteria section of this document, item "d" for additional instructions.  
3.3.2   Stationary Objects Consider deleting references to Detail Setup Sheets.  Using the referenced Detail Sheets can considerably add to the complexity therefore costs to the project, without providing additional environmental or life safety benefits. They are also considered "prescriptive" versus "performance" based requirements.  Project Designer should add individual detail sheet references only when they see benefit to the particular project at hand. See Criteria section of this document, item "d" for additional instructions.   Negative Pressure Enclosure (NPE) System Consider deleting references to Detail Setup Sheets.  Using the referenced Detail Sheets can considerably add to the complexity therefore costs to the project, without providing additional environmental or life safety benefits. They are also considered "prescriptive" versus "performance" based requirements.  Project Designer should add individual detail sheet references only when they see benefit to the particular project at hand. See Criteria section of this document, item "d" for additional instructions.   Glovebag Systems Consider deleting references to Detail Setup Sheets.  Using the referenced Detail Sheets can considerably add to the complexity therefore costs to the project, without providing additional environmental or life safety benefits. They are also considered "prescriptive" versus "performance" based requirements.  Project Designer should add individual detail sheet references only when they see benefit to the particular project at hand. See Criteria section of this document, item "d" for additional instructions.   Mini-Enclosures Consider deleting references to Detail Setup Sheets.  Using the referenced Detail Sheets can considerably add to the complexity therefore costs to the project, without providing additional environmental or life safety benefits. They are also considered "prescriptive" versus "performance" based requirements.  Project Designer should add individual detail sheet references only when they see benefit to the particular project at hand. See Criteria section of this document, item "d" for additional instructions.   Wrap and Cut Operation Consider deleting references to Detail Setup Sheets.  Using the referenced Detail Sheets can considerably add to the complexity therefore costs to the project, without providing additional environmental or life safety benefits. They are also considered "prescriptive" versus "performance" based requirements.  Project Designer should add individual detail sheet references only when they see benefit to the particular project at hand. See Criteria section of this document, item "d" for additional instructions.   Vinyl and Asphalt Flooring Materials Consider deleting references to Detail Setup Sheets.  Using the referenced Detail Sheets can considerably add to the complexity therefore costs to the project, without providing additional environmental or life safety benefits. They are also considered "prescriptive" versus "performance" based requirements.  Project Designer should add individual detail sheet references only when they see benefit to the particular project at hand. See Criteria section of this document, item "d" for additional instructions.   Roofing Material Consider deleting references to Detail Setup Sheets.  Using the referenced Detail Sheets can considerably add to the complexity therefore costs to the project, without providing additional environmental or life safety benefits. They are also considered "prescriptive" versus "performance" based requirements.  Project Designer should add individual detail sheet references only when they see benefit to the particular project at hand. See Criteria section of this document, item "d" for additional instructions.   Cementitious Siding and Shingles or Transite Panels Consider deleting references to Detail Setup Sheets.  Using the referenced Detail Sheets can considerably add to the complexity therefore costs to the project, without providing additional environmental or life safety benefits. They are also considered "prescriptive" versus "performance" based requirements.  Project Designer should add individual detail sheet references only when they see benefit to the particular project at hand. See Criteria section of this document, item "d" for additional instructions.  
3.6.11   Class I Asbestos Work Response Action Detail Sheets Consider deleting this section in it's entirety.
Using the referenced Detail Sheets can considerably add to the complexity therefore costs to the project, without providing additional environmental or life safety benefits. They are also considered "prescriptive" versus "performance" based requirements. Project Designer should add individual detail sheet references only when they see benefit to the particular project at hand. See Criteria section of this document, item "d" for additional instructions.
3.6.12   Class II Asbestos Work Response Action Detail Sheets Consider deleting this section in it's entirety.
Using the referenced Detail Sheets can considerably add to the complexity therefore costs to the project, without providing additional environmental or life safety benefits. They are also considered "prescriptive" versus "performance" based requirements. Project Designer should add individual detail sheet references only when they see benefit to the particular project at hand. See Criteria section of this document, item "d" for additional instructions.
3.6.13   Abatement of Asbestos Contaminated Soil Consider deleting references to Detail Setup Sheets.  Using the referenced Detail Sheets can considerably add to the complexity therefore costs to the project, without providing additional environmental or life safety benefits. They are also considered "prescriptive" versus "performance" based requirements.  Project Designer should add individual detail sheet references only when they see benefit to the particular project at hand. See Criteria section of this document, item "d" for additional instructions.  
3.6.14   Enclosure of ACM Consider deleting references to Detail Setup Sheets.  Using the referenced Detail Sheets can considerably add to the complexity therefore costs to the project, without providing additional environmental or life safety benefits. They are also considered "prescriptive" versus "performance" based requirements.  Project Designer should add individual detail sheet references only when they see benefit to the particular project at hand. See Criteria section of this document, item "d" for additional instructions.  
3.6.15   Encapsulation of ACM Consider deleting references to Detail Setup Sheets.  Using the referenced Detail Sheets can considerably add to the complexity therefore costs to the project, without providing additional environmental or life safety benefits. They are also considered "prescriptive" versus "performance" based requirements.  Project Designer should add individual detail sheet references only when they see benefit to the particular project at hand. See Criteria section of this document, item "d" for additional instructions.  
3.6.16   Combined Encapsulation of Acoustical Wall and Ceiling Plaster Consider deleting references to Detail Setup Sheets.  Using the referenced Detail Sheets can considerably add to the complexity therefore costs to the project, without providing additional environmental or life safety benefits. They are also considered "prescriptive" versus "performance" based requirements.  Project Designer should add individual detail sheet references only when they see benefit to the particular project at hand. See Criteria section of this document, item "d" for additional instructions.  
3.6.17   Response Action Detail Sheets for Repair of Class I Materials Consider deleting references to Detail Setup Sheets.  Using the referenced Detail Sheets can considerably add to the complexity therefore costs to the project, without providing additional environmental or life safety benefits. They are also considered "prescriptive" versus "performance" based requirements.  Project Designer should add individual detail sheet references only when they see benefit to the particular project at hand. See Criteria section of this document, item "d" for additional instructions.  
3.6.18   Response Action Detail Sheets for Repair of Class II Materials Consider deleting references to Detail Setup Sheets.  Using the referenced Detail Sheets can considerably add to the complexity therefore costs to the project, without providing additional environmental or life safety benefits. They are also considered "prescriptive" versus "performance" based requirements.  Project Designer should add individual detail sheet references only when they see benefit to the particular project at hand. See Criteria section of this document, item "d" for additional instructions.  
3.6.19   Encasement of ACM Consider deleting references to Detail Setup Sheets.  Using the referenced Detail Sheets can considerably add to the complexity therefore costs to the project, without providing additional environmental or life safety benefits. They are also considered "prescriptive" versus "performance" based requirements.  Project Designer should add individual detail sheet references only when they see benefit to the particular project at hand. See Criteria section of this document, item "d" for additional instructions.  
3.7   FINAL CLEANING AND VISUAL INSPECTION Assure Set-up Detail Sheet 19 is included in all specifications. See Criteria section of this document, item "d" for additional instructions.   Final Clearance Requirements, EPA TEM Method Delete this section in it's entirety.
K-12 schools on JBLM property, are buildings that belong to the Local Education Authority of Clover Park School District (CPSD). CPSD maintains and upgrades/replaces these structures. Therefore, no asbestos work in K-12 school buildings will/should occur.
Collection and Disposal of Asbestos
Add this paragraph: Asbestos removed shall be disposed of at an off site permitted landfill. A Waste Shipment Record (HFL Form 954-Copy Available Upon Request - See POC Section Below) shall be provided to PW, Engineering & Contract Management Division signed by the Contractor prior to disposal at the landfill with a second copy provided after disposal signed by any and all transporters and the landfill operator.  The two copies shall be provided within 10 days of each other.  If the two copies are not provided within 10 days of each other, JBLM will be obligated to report the incident to the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency (PSCAA) in accordance with PSCAA Regulation III, Section 4.07, or report to any other regulatory agency with jurisdiction. If the landfill operator finds a discrepancy in the waste shipment record the Contractor shall report the discrepancy to the Contracting Officer or their representative.  NOTE:  The HFL Form 954 is the only form the Contractor shall use as the Waste Shipment Record.

Design Requirements
Joint Base Lewis-McChord is committed to protect and conserve the environment. All maintenance, repair and construction work on the installation will comply with all applicable environmental policy, laws and regulations; identify potential sources of pollution and meet or exceed Army goals for prevention of pollution and minimize adverse environmental impacts.
Notes to Designers on Drawing Content
Provide ACM abatement plans as required to show locations of samples taken/location of hazardous materials. These may be attached to appropriate specification section with survey data or incorporated into the Contract drawings if complexity warrants.
Standard Details
Refer to Criteria Section, above
Applicable Points of Contact
Design Standards